
A hop tamed
from the wild

Award-winning Sussex Hop

The heartland of the traditional hop industry

Mayfield Village is situated in East Sussex, the heartland of the traditional hop industry.

An original botanical
for our craft gin

The signature botanical of Mayfield Gin is Sussex Hop, adding a citrus and hop character to the complex botanical recipe.

A secret hop,
tamed from the wild…

Sussex Hop was undiscovered until 2005. It was found growing wild in local hedgerows in East Sussex.

Sussex Hop

Discovered by Peter Cyster in local Sussex hedgerows in 2005. Mayfield Gin Master Maker & Blender J. Arthur Rackham came across the variety when researching local gin botanicals and discovered it added a unique citrus character to the gin.

Hop Farmer

Sussex Hop is know grown by fifth generation hop farmer, based in East Sussex. The hop plants are given bones to grow up, throughout history, farmers have developed different methods of supporting bines.

The hops are harvested every year in September for the next batch of Mayfield Gin!

Diabolically Delectable


Mayfield Gin